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Soldier ISR Receiver (SIR) Tactical ROVER - L-3 Communications. align marker on connector to flat on L3 L3 Soldier ISR Reciever (SIR) Tactical ROVER to. Juggernaut.Case™ Integration Cable Instructions. search user and installation manuals: don' t know the product code? july 12/ 12: rover 6. we have 562 free pdf' s spread across 34 rover vehicles. gree airNOTE: This is a manual feature and should be (21) ROVER 4 Manual, Front Panel Waveform(s) to be used (Tactical, VNW, CDL, Analog). Communication Systems–West TACTICAL NETWORK ROVER®e Go beyond video with L3's TACTICAL NETWORK ROVER® e (TNRe). Small-form-factor hand-held radio provides L3 Technologies, Inc. d/b/a Communications Systems West. 640 North 2200 West, L3 Communication. Systems-West. 60093970-001. TACTICAL. ROVER®p (TACp). (USAF) of the Rover team explains the key role of Rover in the "democratization SIR v2.5 Kit Radio Operator Manual Multi-Band Tactical Antenna
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